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Have you lost someone to suicide? 

"I feel I'm a ghost''

''I feel so empty''

''Death is my only solution there's no other way I'll feel better."

''I thought several times of killing myself, i once tried it with sleeping pills, it didn't work.''

''Ana inta7aret 12 marra bas ma metit. Allah baddo yeini dallni 3am bit3azzab "

Are children under 12 really at risk?  Many people would answer: “No! How could they be? Both evidence and my experience tell us YES they are.  Research shows that by the age of 8 or 9 children do have a thorough understanding of suicide..self-injury or death regardless of a full comprehension. They may just wish to end their emotional pain without fully understanding the consequences of their actions.Although child suicides are infrequent, many children attempt suicide. These attempts are a major predictor of future suicide (in adolescence and adulthood). It is crucial to identify those children at risk as early as possible...

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